Located at: 417 Biltmore Ave. Suite G2, Asheville, NC 28801
Phone: 828-283-0152
Email: lauren@ferncreekwellness.com
Pre & Postpartum Therapy
I am currently pursuing my certification in Perinatal Mental Health and have taken Postpartum Support International's 2-day Components of Care Training. I myself experienced postpartum Depression and OCD, and had Prenatal Anxiety while pregnant with my first child, and I want to support folx experiencing the devastating impacts that I felt to be able to be the parent they dreamed of being.
Common Concerns
Feeding Difficulties
Maybe your baby isn't gaining weight, or you're struggling to produce milk. Maybe you're formula feeding and you feel guilty about it. Or you're exclusively pumping and have a love/hate relationship with it.
Excessive Crying
You know it's not normal, and you know it's not your baby's fault. But you're at your wit's end and triggered from all the crying and not being able to stop it no matter how hard you try. You just want it to all go away.
You have so many rules to follow it gets overwhelming. You just want to be able to make a decision without consulting 10 sources. Or you're not sleeping due to worrying about your baby's health.
Perinatal Therapy
So much changes the moment you decide to bring a baby into your life, and sometimes these changes are literal physical changes to the brain. Because of these changes, you might notice thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that aren't "you" but you don't know what to do about it. Maybe you spend your days calculating every possible risk, second-guessing yourself, and rereading the literature on a healthy pregnancy or a healthy baby. Or you had a traumatic birth experience that you keep reliving. Maybe you have thoughts that you're a horrible parent, or that your kids deserve someone better than you. Maybe you have thoughts that pop into your head that are shocking, disturbing, and keep you up at night. You thought you wanted to have more kids, but the thought of doing it all again feels more than you can bare.
I have experienced all of those thoughts and feelings. It's not your fault and I have hope that you will feel differently in the future through therapy. You want to be the best parent you can be and to give your baby the best life possible, and the best way to do that is by helping yourself first. I would love to schedule a free consultation to see if we could be a good fit together.